Air Leakage Test ResultsPassing results must meet either the Performance, Prescriptive, or ERI Method PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD- The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per hour at a pressure of 0.2 inch w.g. (50 pascals) in Climate Zones 1 and 2. PERFORMANCE or ERI METHOD- The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding the selected ACH(SO) value, as shown on FORM R405—2017 (Performance) or R406—2017 (ERI), section labeled as Infiltration, sub—section ACH. ACH(50) specified on Form R405—2017—Energy Calc (Performance) or R406—2017(ERI)CFM(5O)X 60 ÷Building VolumeACH(50)Method for calculating building volume Retrieved from architectural plans Code software calculated Field measured and calculated Pass Fail When ACH(50) is less than 3, Mechanical Ventilation 0 Field measured and calculated installation must be verified by building department. Testing CompanyCompany NamePhoneI hereby verify that the above Air Leakage results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy. Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected aboveSignature of TesterDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Printed Name of Tester First Last