Why It’s So Important to Clean Your Air Duct Regularly

Why It’s So Important to Clean Your Air Duct Regularly

The air ducts in your home probably don’t take up much room in your thoughts. Most of us have other things to be focusing on. But to assume that air ducts don’t matter and that they don’t have any impact on how you live your life would be a big mistake. It’s actually the case that there are lots of reasons to keep them clean because it has more of an impact on your life than you think.

Having the air ducts in your home cleaned can be taken care of by our professional team, so you don’t have to do it by yourself. In the end, the importance of this will outweigh any reservations you might have. To prove how important this is for you, read on and learn about the impact it can and does have.

Indoor Air Quality Will Improve

The quality of the air that you’re breathing inside your home will drastically improve if you have your air duct cleaned regularly, and that should be enough to persuade you to make this change.

  • Air quality matters: The air you breath has a direct impact on your long-term and short-term health, so improving its quality is vital.
  • You might not notice the difference, but it’s there: The difference in air quality is not always noticeable, but it’s certainly there.
  • Health problems could be averted: You could avoid all kinds of nasty health problems by breathing cleaner air.

Disposes of Poisons and Residue

There are lots of poisons and all sorts of residue that can build up inside your air ducts over time, and these are not the kinds of things you want entering your home through the HVAC system. That’s why you should have the ducts cleaned out properly.

  • There are all kinds of nasty things in your system: These ducts carry all kinds of bad things that you could barely imagine.
  • Removing them regularly is essential: Removing them is vital because otherwise, they will damage the system as well as your health.
  • It takes a professional to do this right: You should get help from professionals because they know how to clean them out properly.

Can Ease Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Anyone with pre-existing respiratory medical conditions will find that their symptoms in the home will ease somewhat when the air ducts are cleaned out because they’ll be breathing cleaner air.

  • Respiratory conditions will be eased: These conditions are made easier to deal with when you breathe cleaner air.
  • The home will be a healthier environment: In general, the entire home will become a much healthier environment.

Make Your HVAC System More Effective

Anyone with a decent HVAC system wants to be getting the most out of it they can. That’s perfectly normal and natural. By keeping it clean, you will also make it more functional and more effective.

  • Blocked air ducts don’t perform well: When the ducts are blocked up, it becomes impossible for them to do their job properly, so you’ll need to clean them to improve performance.
  • You’ll notice the difference: As soon as the ducts become cleaner, you’ll notice the system performing better.

Save Yourself Some Money

By keeping the system clean, you might also be able to save yourself some money. This applies to the long-term as well as the short-term. No one can turn down the chance to save cash, so this should provide you with some needed motivation.

  • Less energy will be used to reach the desired temperature: Achieving the desired temperature in your home becomes easier and faster when the ducts are clean, meaning you’ll spend less on energy to make that happen.
  • Regular cleaning is cheaper in the long run: In the end, you’ll save money by regularly cleaning rather than having to spend big in the future on massive cleaning jobs or replacements.

Keeps Your HVAC System Running for Longer

Your HVAC system might be getting old, but it’ll be a long time until you have to replace it all if you get better at keeping your air ducts properly clean. When the system is running for longer, you’ll avoid having to spend big too.

  • The long-term condition of your HVAC system is key: By acting now, you can make sure that your HVAC system has a healthier and cleaner future.
  • Regular cleaning lessens the chance of problems: You will experience far fewer problems with your system if you keep it as clean as it can be.

When you get your air ducts cleared out, you improve your health, improve your home and save some money. So there are plenty of great reasons to get your air ducts cleaned regularly if you haven’t done this for a long time. And there are many costs associated with ignoring this issue and leaving them to get dirty.

If you need our professional service to solve these problems for you and be able to breath clean air. Contact us, we can provide more details of how we work with these kinds of issues.

HVAC Duct Cleaning with a Power Brush

A Complete Guide To Air Duct Cleaning Tools

The importance of cleaning air ducts cannot be overstated. Clogged air ducts can reduce the energy efficiency in a property, as well as cause dirt and contaminants to spread through the living areas. Proper cleaning is required to avoid these issues – and to achieve good cleaning; you need the right tools.

Below, we have put together a simple guide to the tools necessary for cleaning air ducts to a good-as-new finish. Read on to find out more…

No “one size fits all.”

One of the issues people experience when trying to clean their air ducts is that there is no perfect set of tools that are suitable for every job. Ductwork is often individual to the property itself, with a wide variety of different types and sizes used in residential properties. As a result, you have to focus on finding the right air duct cleaning tools for the property you are cleaning rather than seeking to find the best tools overall.

To do this, you first need to select the level of cleaning that you are hoping to achieve. There are four levels to choose from:

  • Level One: Air washing. This involves the use of high-pressure air to clear the ducts of dirt and debris. A compressor is connected through an air hose to a nozzle, which is then attached to the ductwork in order to deliver the stream of air required to remove foreign particles from the overall system.
  • Level Two: Air whips. Air whips work with high-pressure air also, but with the addition of a whipping action inside the ductwork. This whipping helps to dislodge more stubborn dirt and debris and is generally considered to be more effective than air washing alone.
  • Level Three: Brushing. This level of cleaning can be achieved both manually and via electronic devices. The inside of the duct is effectively brushed, helping to remove dirt and debris that may be clinging to the sides of the ductwork. This is similar to air whipping, but brushing is more in-depth and involves a higher degree of physical contact, which leads to a cleaner result.
  • Level Four: Contact vacuuming. The most powerful and effective choice, contact vacuuming involves physical contact with the internal ductwork and effectively removes dirt and debris found throughout the system.

When you know which level of cleaning you wish to achieve, you are able to select the right tool for the job.

Level One: Air Washing

  • These tools blow a stream of high-pressure air through the ductwork.
  • The system should include a forward skipper line which blows debris forwards, a reverse skipper line to blow debris backward, and a blowgun for a more precise application.
  • The forward and reverse skipper lines available vary in length, with a standard of around 25”.
  • The blowgun tends to feature a copper tube between 10”-14” in length and features an on/off control.

What to look for:

  • Air compressor capable of producing up to 175 psi.
  • A 20-gallon receiver tank.
  • 18 cfm of air.

Suitable for:

  • Light to medium dust .
  • Small and medium residential ductwork.

Level Two: Air Whipping

  • High-pressure air is sent from the compressor to the rods and then to the whip head itself.
  • The system consists of a number of whip heads, 5’ rods, forward and reverse nozzles and an on/off control.
  • A single whip provides the most thorough whipping action; an octopus head provides the least.

What to look for:

  • Air compressor capable of producing up to 175 psi.
  • 20-gallon receiver tank.
  • 18 cfm of air.

Suitable for

  • Light to medium dust.
  • Small to medium ductwork.

Level Three, Option One: Flexible Cable Brushing

  • The brush attaches to a cable, which then attaches to a portable drill. When the trigger on the drill is compressed, the user pushes and pulls the cable and its attached brush through the ductwork.
  • Systems include a flexible cable of between 15 and 25”, three nylon brushes (for any surface), and three silica carbide brushes (suitable for hard surfaces only).
  • The brushes provided are usually 8”, 12”, and 18” in size.

Suitable for:

  • All types of ductwork, including sheet metal and flex.
  • Small to medium size ductwork.
  • Ducts that are smaller than 16”x16.”

Level Three, Option Two: Solid Core Brushing

  • Features the same basic principle as flexible core brushing systems; a brush attaches to a cable, which is then connected to a portable drill. The user controls when cleaning commences by depressing or releasing, a trigger on the drill.
  • The key difference is the cable that connects the brush to the portable drill is more rigid, which gives the user more control over the moment of the brush head.
  • These systems usually include the same types of brushes – nylon and silica carbide – at the same size points as you will find with flexible cable systems.

Suitable for

  • Small and medium ductwork
  • Ductwork that is relatively straight

Level Four: Contact vacuuming

  • With these systems, cleaning tools are attached to a hose that connects to the vacuum.
  • You can then access your ductwork and vacuum as far as you can reach.
  • These systems usually feature a HEPA filtered portable vacuum, along with a set of cleaning tools.
  • Of all the available options, contact vacuuming tends to produce the best cleaning results.

What to look for:

  • 10 to 15-gallon capacity vacuum, preferably HEPA filtered to ensure the most efficient cleaning.
  • A set of attachable cleaning tools.
  • A hose suitable for ductwork you will be cleaning; hoses are available in lengths between 10-50.”

Suitable for

  • Large ductwork.
  • Air handlers, furnaces, grilles, and rooftops.


  • Can be difficult to use on smaller systems due to the need for direct access to the internal ductwork.

In Conclusion

By choosing a tool that is suitable for the type of ductwork you are working on, and the level of cleaning required, you can be sure of achieving the best possible results every time.

When it comes to duct cleaning, we are specialist so visit our site or contact us to be assessed or hire our services. We want to help you get what you need!